IAUS367: “Education and Heritage in the era of Big Data in Astronomy. The first steps on the IAU 2020-2030 strategic plan”. December 9-14, 2020 - San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina Contact: LOC at iaus367@unrn.edu.ar To participate in the IAUS367 you are kindly asked to send us some information. It will not take more than 5 min of your time. Please use the form provided below to register to the Symposium or submit a plain text via email attachment with the requested information to the LOC, subject: “Registration Form”. If you need any other information about the registration process that is not included in the registration form, please send us an email to LOC, subject: "IAUS367 - Registration". *Required YOUR DATA Full Name (format: names, family name) * Affiliation * Country * Email address * THE MEETING Are you planning to present a contribution? * Mark only one oval. YES Skip to question 9. NO Skip to question 6. THE MEETING The registration fee covers the electronic version of the proceedings. Do you also wish the hardback volume? * Mark only one oval. YES (an extra cost of 70 EUR per copy is requested according to IAU prices) NO Are you planning to observe the Total Solar Eclipse with us? * Mark only one oval. YES (an extra cost of 45 EUR per person is requested: transportation and meals are included. Seats are limited) NO Will you assist all the days? * Mark only one oval. YES Skip to question 11. NO Skip to question 10. THE MEETING: CONTRIBUTIONS Abstracts are requested by the Scientific Organizing Committee. Please, check the website for instructions. If YES, which kind of contribution? * Mark only one oval. ORAL PRESENTATION POSTER Skip to question 6. THE MEETING: ASSISTANCE If NO, can you be more specific? * Skip to question 11. GENERAL INFORMATION Membership * Mark only one oval. SUA SOCHIAS AAA Other Food preferences for cocktail and coffee breaks * Mark only one oval. None Vegetarian Vegan Celiac Other (contact the LOC, subject: "Food Preferences") Do you assist with your family? * Mark only one oval. YES Skip to question 14. NO Skip to question 15. GENERAL INFORMATION: CHILD CARE If YES, will you need child care services? * Mark only one oval. YES (contact the LOC, subject: "Child Care") NO Skip to question 15. REGISTRATION Registration fee includes: access to the symposium, welcome cocktail, coffee breaks and electronic version of the proceedings. ANY OTHER REQUIREMENT: eclipse activity (45 EUR per person) and hardback volume of the proceedings (70 EUR per copy) HAS AN EXTRA COST THAT MUST BE PAID WITH THE REGISTRATION FEE. Extra costs, to be defined, such as child care services and conference dinner should be paid during the meeting. Early registration deadline: 23.59 UTC, January 15, 2020. Fees: researcher, 200 EUR; student 120 EUR. Registration deadline: 23.59 UTC, July 31, 2020. Fees: researcher, 250 EUR; student 180 EUR. IF YOU PRESENT A CONTRIBUTION AND NEED FINANCIAL SUPPORT, PLEASE CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THAT IN CASE YOU ARE GRANTED WITH SOME FINANCIAL AID, THE MONEY WILL BE DELIVERED TO YOU DURING THE MEETING IN CASH, AND NOT BEFORE. Payment * Mark only one oval. From Argentina Skip to "INSCRIPCIÓN: PAGOS DESDE ARGENTINA." From abroad Skip to "REGISTRATION: PAYMENTS FROM ABROAD." Not now (please notice that the registration is pending until the payment is made. Pending registrations do not provide reservation) Stop filling out this form. Stop filling out this form. INSCRIPCIÓN: PAGOS DESDE ARGENTINA Debe hacerse una transferencia bancaria a: Banco Galicia CBU: 0070172920000012157633 alias: aaastronomia Titular: Asociación Argentina de Astronomía CUIT 30-70968119-9 Cuenta corriente en pesos Nº 12157-6 172-3 Para el cambio de divisa, debe tomarse en consideración el valor de venta del euro según el Banco de la Nación Argentina (www.bna.com.ar) correspondiente al día de la transferencia o al día hábil anterior si la realiza en día no hábil. Al realizar el pago, se solicita enviar un mensaje a aaatesoreria@gmail.com con copia del comprobante de depósito y mencionando su DNI a efectos de confeccionar la factura correspondiente y completar la registración. Si la factura debe ir a nombre de un titular distinto del inscripto, o si debe agregársele alguna característica, favor de mencionarlo en el mensaje con los detalles pertinentes. Asimismo, para acceder a los descuentos por estudiante, los de grado deberán enviar junto con el comprobante de depósito un certificado de alumno regular, mientras que los de posgrado deberán enviar un certificado de inscripción en carrera de posgrado o una nota firmada por su director en la cual confirme que el inscripto es su alumno de posgrado. Por último, SI EL MONTO DEL PAGO NO SÓLO OBEDECE AL CARGO POR INSCRIPCIÓN, SINO QUE CONTEMPLA EL PAGO DE ALGÚN COSTO EXTRA, FAVOR DE DETALLARLO EN EL MENSAJE (v.g. "el monto transferido corresponde a inscripción y actividad del eclipse para dos personas"). Stop filling out this form. REGISTRATION: PAYMENTS FROM ABROAD Method 1. The preferred method to pay the fee is through TransferWise. It is cheaper, easier and faster than traditional bank transfer. Depending of your country, you may pay through credit card, debit card, or bank transfer. You may find the details of the recipient on item g) of the list below. If you didn't use TransferWise before, please follow these instructions (the details may vary depending of your country). Go to transferwise.com. Create an account (a standard procedure: email plus password). The first time you log in, you will be asked for some personal data. Choose the amount of money to be transferred and your currency. Also, choose "ARS" (Argentinian pesos) as the recipient currency. Choose the method of payment: card or transfer. Choose "Business or charity" as the new recipient if this choice is available. Fill out the form with the following data of the recipient: Their email: aaatesoreria@gmail.com Name of the business/charity: Asociacion Argentina de Astronomia Tax Id: CUIL/CUIT: 30709681199 Account number (CBU): 0070172920000012157633 If you are going to use bank transfer (not cards), TranferWise will then give you some important information about the TransferWise account and some reference numbers that you should copy in order to accomplish the next step. If paying with bank transfer, go to your bank account and do a (local) bank transfer to your TranferWise account using the data you've just copied. Method 2. The traditional bank transfer is full of taxes and commissions and disadvantageous exchange rates. Your bank may also charge you taxes and/or commissions, depending on the bank policy. The data that needs to be given to your bank are the following: Beneficiary: ASOCIACIÓN ARGENTINA DE ASTRONOMÍA Beneficiary Address: Observatorio Astronómico - Paseo del Bosque s/n Beneficiary City, Country: La Plata, Argentina Beneficiary CUIT/CUIL Number: 30709681199 Bank Swift Code: GABAARBAXXX Bank Name: Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires SA Account Number: 12157-6 172-3 Bank's city, country: La Plata, Argentina International Intermediary Bank (USD) Bank Swift Code: PNBPUS3NNYC ABA 026005092 Bank Account Number: 2000192261221 Bank Name: WELLS FARGO BANK N.A. International Intermediary Bank (EUR) Bank Swift Code: UNCRITMM Bank Account Number: 0995 8321100 Bank Name: UNICREDITO ITALIANO SPA City, country: Milano, Italy IMPORTANT: Please request your bank to fill the Remittance Information (Field #70 in the standard MT103 SWIFT format) with the code: P08 (P-zero-eight). When making the payment using either method, you are asked to send us an email to aaatesoreria@gmail.com in order to complete the registration. If you require an invoice, please let us know in such email. To access the discounts per student, you must also send a certificate proving this condition. For PhD students, a note from their director is sufficient to certify the condition. Last but not least, IF THE TRANSFER CORRESPONDS TO THE REGISTRATION PLUS SOME EXTRA ACTIVITIES, PLEASE SEND US ALSO THE DETAILS WITHIN THE EMAIL (e.g. "The amount transferred corresponds to the registration, reservation for two for the eclipse activity and one hardback volume of the proceedings"). (Method 3. Of course, if you know someone close to you in Argentina, you may ask him/her to make a local payment and then refund the money. In such case, you are requested to send us an email to aaatesoreria@gmail.com with the details of your local contact.)