Michael Firzgerald

Invited Talk 8

 «A review of astronomy education research
from 1904 to 2019

Michael Firzgerald (Edith Cowan Inst. for Educ. Research, Australia).
Chair: Hidehiko Agata.

THURSDAY – December 10
11:30 – 12:00 UTC

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In this talk I will provide a comprehensive overview of astronomy education from 1904 to 2019. Our team has trawled the literature from the earliest moments of the 20th Century until now leading to over 2000 individual journal articles, conference proceedings articles, books and postgraduate thesis, the vast majority being published from 1990 onwards. The talk will explore the interesting patterns found by construct (e.g. content knowledge, spatial reasoning, nature of science, attitudes), geographical location, target group and various other dimensions such as methodology, research setting and others. The talk will identify those areas that have been sufficiently researched as well as neglected areas while suggesting fertile areas of the research field that require more study.