General Information

  • New dates for the virtual meeting: 8 -12 December 2020.
    Registration for the virtual meeting is free
    The revised program includes plenary talks, contributed oral sessions, online posters, associated workshops and public talks. All talks will be recorded for later access and the iPosters will be available shortly before, during, and after the meeting.
  • The contributions to the symposium will be published in digital form.
  • Several items in the organization were changed, according the new style for the
  • New LOC symposium online.
  • Possible streaming platforms: youtube, zoom.
  • Total Solar Eclipse
    On December 14, 2020, a Total Eclipse of the Sun will travel from west to east over
    Chile and across the Republic of Argentina, crossing Patagonia. We will invite you
    to move VIRTUALLY to the sites in Argentina, where the local groups will transmit
    the event, in Piedra del Aguila (to the West) and Las Grutas (to the East).
    The group of organizers of the Total Solar Eclipse 2020 event for the IAUS367, is
    working to develop the Piedra del Águila site. Information (in Spanish) is available
    at the eclipse website: