Organizing Institutions

 Universidad Nacional de Río Negro – Sede Andina – San Carlos de Bariloche (Host institution) 

The National University of Río Negro (UNRN) has 10 years of life. During this time the number of students has increased and large efforts have been made to improve the inclusion, permanence and graduation of the young people in the region. Currently, it has more than 8000 active students. A specific commission is working with the goal to make visible, raise awareness and promote the gender perspective within the university community.
Since 2014 with the transfer and incorporation of astronomy researchers to the UNRN they have received the institutional support to perform their specific investigations that complement with teaching and outreach initiatives. As the best example, two Workshops on Education and Outreach in Astronomy have been co-organized by The National University of Río Negro, both related to solar eclipses (in 2017 and in 2019).
Many activities involving the community of Bariloche (people in general and the amateur league) were hosted in the UNRN headquarters, such as astro-photographic exhibitions and open talks. Specific projects leaded by the astronomers of this University have been accompanied also by non-teaching support staff. Here, astronomers are valuated by their capacity to interact with other fields of knowledge. The formation of multi-disciplinary group of scientists and engineers is motivated inside the University in order to present and exchange ideas.




The objective of the Intitute of Technologies in Detection and Astroparticles (ITeDA), depending on the CNEA, CONICET and UNSAM, is the research, development and training of qualified personnel in experiments and technologies associated with the sciences of the universe and astroparticles.
On the other hand, the activities on Education and Outreach are part of the general goals;  the Institute participates of NASE Program, the WG on Astronomy for Equity and Inclusion, is in charge of the activities on Education and communication with the public of the Pierre Auger Observatory (for the detection and study of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays) and QUBIC Project (Q&U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology).




The National Council of Scientific Research is the institution depending on the Argentinean  Ministry of Education that brings together the scientists and specialized technicians of the country. The CONICET supports different educative activities, mainly through the program VoCar, which acts as a link between the scientific community and primary, secondary and High School, and aims to bring science closer to society and stimulate scientific and technological vocations in young people.



 Sociedad  Uruguaya de Astronomía 

The Uruguayan Astronomy Society (SUA) was founded in 1990 and has the following aims and objectives:
– Promote scientific and technological research in the field of Astronomy and related disciplines.
– Contribute to the proper dissemination of Astronomy and related disciplines given its high formative value and its impact on the development of a planetary consciousness.
– Facilitate the exchange with associations and related institutions at national and international level.
– Perform and direct works and activities related to the disciplines of your interest.
– Institute scholarships, subsidies, awards and honorable mentions, designed to stimulate creativity in terms of achieving the objectives already set.



 Asociación Chilena de Astronomía 

The Chilean Astronomical Society (SOCHIAS) is a non-profit organization founded on May 31, 2000, whose objectives are: the development and dissemination of Astronomy in Chile; stimulate the approach and knowledge of its members with Astronomy; ensure the interests and rights of astronomers in Chile; stimulate the research and teaching of Astronomy in Chile; promote the holding of scientific and specialized meetings, astronomy courses and conferences; maintain contacts with organizations and correlated companies in the country and abroad; facilitate the study of Astronomy and related sciences and their teaching by professional astronomers. In the last years SOCHIAS signed MoUs with the NASE Program and with the Argentinian Association of Astronomy.



 Asociación Argentina de Astronomía 

The Argentine Association of Astronomy (AAA) is a non-profit civil organization whose objective is to promote the progress of Astronomy, Astrophysics and related activities in the Argentine Republic.
Among its specific functions are providing areas for discussion and dissemination of the research activity in Astronomy and related sciences, provide institutional support to initiatives in the sector, organize scientific meetings where astronomers and astrophysicists can exchange information, support young researchers through of scholarships and work contracts, edit a Bulletin where the local research activity is reflected, mediate in the relationship between astronomers and organizations that support Science and Technology in Argentina and in the world, and disseminate Astronomy among the general public.